What is North Node?

Portrait by Linawa

Photographer, mother, and astrologer! My Big 3 - Scorpio, Virgo, and Capricorn. I have a knack for problem solving and investigating and use these skills while diving into your horoscope. Whether it’s your request for your Natal Chart Reading, your child’s reading, or answering very specific questions regarding purpose and passion, I am 100% committed to shining a light on your heart so you don't have to be on your soul journey alone.

At the end of the day, we are all trying to get to the North Node, the soul purpose.

XO, Linawa Shaffer

Clearwater, FL

North Node is our calling. Let's share our soul's journey on the way to the discovery of self and shining our light for others.
Contact us if you want to be featured to share your story.

Creating Holiday Sanctuaries: Nurturing Kids' Sense of Security through their 4th House on Natal Chart
Linawa Shaffer Linawa Shaffer

Creating Holiday Sanctuaries: Nurturing Kids' Sense of Security through their 4th House on Natal Chart

First let’s understand the 4th house - the home, family, roots, and the innermost core of one's being. When a zodiac sign is on the cusp of this house, it can influence the individual's approach to their private life, home environment, and emotional foundations. Here's a brief overview of each zodiac sign on the cusp of the 4th house:

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Dreaming Big: Unleash Your Power
Linawa Shaffer Linawa Shaffer

Dreaming Big: Unleash Your Power

As I write this, just 3 months shy of 5 years alcohol free, I have a range of emotions that I’ve found only writing can sift through and make sense of. I will spare you the pretentious bragging rights of how “together” my life is today. I will however tell you that I am living a daily existence I only thought was possible for other people.

To give you insight on how my drinking began, I like most had a turbulent childhood. One filled with two manic parents determined to live a better life than the impoverished back country roads they came from.

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Venus on your Child’s Chart: Holiday Gift Ideas for Kids
Linawa Shaffer Linawa Shaffer

Venus on your Child’s Chart: Holiday Gift Ideas for Kids

Knowing your child's Venus sign in astrology can be like discovering their secret code for awesome gifts! It's like peeking into their heart to find what they truly find 'cool' or 'soooo awesome.' Venus is all about what your kiddo finds super cool. A child with Venus in artsy Taurus might enjoy gifts related to arts, music, or fancy stuff, while a Venus in curious Gemini might go crazy for books, puzzles, or anything that gets their mind buzzing!

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The 2nd House & Taurus: More Holiday Gift Tips!
Linawa Shaffer Linawa Shaffer

The 2nd House & Taurus: More Holiday Gift Tips!

First, let’s understand the context of HOUSE 2. This house will tell about a child’s value system. What is important to them so it points to what they WOULD spend their money on if given the choice - so in this case what they would spend your money on;) Read below to get some general concepts of how the 2nd house manifests in a child’s life.

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